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All orders are checked before shipping out to our customers to ensure that all items are in order and in good condition.

All items sold are not returnable, refundable nor exchangeable. We have adopted services from reliable courier services to ensure that your order reaches you without any defect. In the event that wrong goods are received, damaged or defected, kindly please contact us at within 2 days of the receipt of your product, we will try to rectify your problem and provide the best solution. If we advice you to send the damage product back to us, please do so within 7 days of receipt. Once the damage had been confirmed, we will either replace the damage parts or if possible deliver a completely new product at our expense.

Besides, please be informed that we are not responsible for loss or items damaged on the way back for a return and/or exchange. Please try your best to ensure that items will not be damaged while posting it back to us by packing the items properly.

If you find the items that you purchased is not working properly, please contact us for supervision. We will try our best to provide proper information that helps you in installing and using the products. Besides, we will inform you the ways to send the products back for repair if any defect on the product as long as it is still under warranty.

We are minimizing the trouble of sending the product back for warranty by selling and distributing good quality products, but it will be your own responsibility to install and use the product properly to ensure the product can reach the maximum performance. Therefore, please refer to the guidelines or manuals comes with the products before usage. If you find any problem in using the products, you are welcomed to contact us for guidance.

If you require any further information, you may send an email to us at

(Last update February 10, 2022)